Miranda RSL Sub-Branch Services
In accordance with the aims and objectives of the Sub-Branch, a wide range
of essential services are provided for members.
Welfare is a priority of Miranda RSL Sub-Branch. Welfare Officers visit members in hospitals, nursing homes and those confined to their own homes. If requested by the family, a Welfare Officer will conduct an RSL funeral service for RSL members.
For those members needing advice and assistance on welfare matters, contact the sub-branch office secretary to make an appointment.
The Sub-Branch has an active Entertainment Committee to organise appropriate social activities for members.
Most activities are subsidised by the Sub-Branch and members are usually asked for a contribution toward the cost of providing these activities.
Activities include bus trips to places of interest in Sydney and surrounding places in NSW eg Richmond Air Force Base, the Canberra War Memorial, Kokoda Walkway at Concord and Race meetings. Anzac Sunday & Christmas are usually celebrated with luncheons and entertainment is provided by appropriate performers.
At least four significant social activities are provided for members each year.
A number of special activities are held throughout the year including a Luncheon for War Widows . The Sub-Branch provides special activities for other causes as they arise.
Member’s are encouraged to remain after monthly general meetings to enjoy the social company of new and existing members. Refreshments are provided for members after each month’s general meeting.
A large collection of official Historic Military books is available for loan or for research purposes from the Sub-Branch. Many of these volumes have been donated by Sub-Branch members or their families.
Military videos and novels are available for members to borrow. The library is also available for local school students who are researching Australian military history.
For access to the library, contact the Sub-Branch Office Secretary.
Welfare Bus
The Miranda RSL Sub-Branch has a Mitsubishi Rosa Bus which can carry twenty five people. The bus is garaged at Port Hacking High School. Drivers and off-siders are volunteers.
The bus is available for use by community groups but bookings are essential. For bus bookings, contact the Sub-Branch office secretary.

Nightly Reciting of the Ode
A recorded version of the Ode is played each evening at 5pm in the Club.
The Sub-Branch receives many requests from community groups each year for financial donations. The committee considers all requests and where appropriate sends recommendations for assistance to a Monthly General Meeting for approval. The State Branch of The RSL sets the criteria and financial limits for any one donation. The Sub-Branch has supported many outside organisations as well as our Youth Club, Women’s Auxiliary, Captain Cook Club and our Charter Schools.
The Eternal Flame
Is located inside the front door of the RSL Club. The setting has been moved several times because of building renovations. It is a significant symbol of remembrance which was built by a professional stonemason. A gas flame was replaced by an electric lamp in 2005.
Remembrance Walkway
Over thirty framed pictures from the Australian War Memorial are hung on the walls outside the Sub Branch Offices. A cross section of pictures from all Services serves as a stark reminder of the horrors of war. Oil paintings by local artists Ron Scobie and Laurie Moran are displayed in the RSL Club foyer and stair case.
